Statistical Information about Sivakasi

Sivakasi Town and City – Sivakasi (Kutty Japan) Statistical Data, Tamilnadu, India



  • Sivakasi City is located within Virudhunagar district In Tamil Nadu.
  • [su_gmap width=”300″ height=”200″ address=”Sivakasi, India”]


  1. As per 2011 census,Total population of Sivakasi is 426,753.
  2. Sivakasi City has total Population of 426,753 Out of which 50% are male and 50% are female.
  3. Based on population, Sivakasi is ranked 1st in Virudhunagar district and ranked 47th in Tamil Nadu.


  1. Sivakasi has total 210,361 people employed.
  2. Sivakasi City has total 210,361 Worker Out of which 61% are male and 39% are female.
  3. Out of total employed people,128,266 are male and 82,095 are female.
  4. Employment ratio of 49%.
  5. Sivakasi stands at 4th in Virudhunagar district and ranked 83rd in Tamil Nadu


  1. Sivakasi literacy ratio of 80% with 305,501 total people literated.
  2. Sivakasi City has total 305,501 Literacy Out of which 54% are male and 46% are female.
  3. In terms of literacy, Sivakasi ranks at 4th in Virudhunagar district and ranked 86th in Tamil Nadu.


  • Sivakasi City has total household 117,312 from which 38% is in rural area and 62% is urban area.

Schools in Sivakasi

  1. There are about 188 Schools in Sivakasi, TN.
  2. Total 1,745 teachers in Sivakasi, TN where as 468 male and 1,277 female.
  3. Total no of enrolled students are 39,429 out of which 50% are boys and 50% are girls in Sivakasi, TN.
  4. Out of Total 39,429 students, 23% students are belongs to scheduled caste, 0% student belongs to Scheduled
  5. Tribe,76% student belongs to Other backward caste.

Near by Cities of Sivakasi

  1. Sattur
  2. Virudhunagar
  3. Srivilliputhur
  4. Rajapalayam
  5. Aruppukkottai