Statistical Information about Sivakasi
Sivakasi Town and City – Sivakasi (Kutty Japan) Statistical Data, Tamilnadu, India
- Sivakasi City is located within Virudhunagar district In Tamil Nadu.
- [su_gmap width=”300″ height=”200″ address=”Sivakasi, India”]
- As per 2011 census,Total population of Sivakasi is 426,753.
- Sivakasi City has total Population of 426,753 Out of which 50% are male and 50% are female.
- Based on population, Sivakasi is ranked 1st in Virudhunagar district and ranked 47th in Tamil Nadu.
- Sivakasi has total 210,361 people employed.
- Sivakasi City has total 210,361 Worker Out of which 61% are male and 39% are female.
- Out of total employed people,128,266 are male and 82,095 are female.
- Employment ratio of 49%.
- Sivakasi stands at 4th in Virudhunagar district and ranked 83rd in Tamil Nadu
- Sivakasi literacy ratio of 80% with 305,501 total people literated.
- Sivakasi City has total 305,501 Literacy Out of which 54% are male and 46% are female.
- In terms of literacy, Sivakasi ranks at 4th in Virudhunagar district and ranked 86th in Tamil Nadu.
- Sivakasi City has total household 117,312 from which 38% is in rural area and 62% is urban area.
Schools in Sivakasi
- There are about 188 Schools in Sivakasi, TN.
- Total 1,745 teachers in Sivakasi, TN where as 468 male and 1,277 female.
- Total no of enrolled students are 39,429 out of which 50% are boys and 50% are girls in Sivakasi, TN.
- Out of Total 39,429 students, 23% students are belongs to scheduled caste, 0% student belongs to Scheduled
- Tribe,76% student belongs to Other backward caste.
Near by Cities of Sivakasi
- Sattur
- Virudhunagar
- Srivilliputhur
- Rajapalayam
- Aruppukkottai
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