Sivakasi History

Sivakasi Town and City – History Of Sivakasi (Kutty Japan) Town, Tamil Nadu, India
How Sivakasi came to be called so ?
Sivakasi has a history of more than 600 years. Its story starts from the 14 th century.
When Hindus just hear the very name ‘Kaasi‘, it evokes religious sentiments with them. ‘Kaasi‘, a place where every devout Hindu is expected to visit once in their lifetime. It is like MECCA for MUSLIMS. Apart from that there are two other Kasi’s in Tamil Nadu –Tenkasi (meaning the Southern Kaasi) located near Courtallam, close to Kerala and Sivakasi (Kaasi of Siva) located at South of Madurai. It is interesting to note how Sivakasi came to be called so. The story starts as follows.
Between 1428 and 1460 AD, King Harikesari Parakkirama Pandian then King of Tenkasi ruled the southern region of Madurai, with his capital at Tenkasi. He wanted to construct a temple for LORD SIVA at his place. Therefore he went to Kasi Varanasi and worshiped Lord Siva there and brought a Sivalingam from there. While returning to his place with the prized Linga a few miles past Madurai, he took rest under a groove of Vilva trees. The cow which carried Sivalingam, refused to move and also the King’s wife (the Princess) attained puberty that night, which prohibited the carrying of the Linga to Tenkasi. He found that it was hard to reach Tenkasi in time, to install the Sivalingam and he realised that the wishes of Lord SIVA were different from his own As events thus overtook auspicious time for the already proposed plan of consecrating the Linga at Tenkasi, the king reverentially placed the Linga in the place where he had halted and proceeded to Tenkasi. The place which was sanctified by the “Sivalinga brought from Kasi“, henceforth came to be called Sivakasi
Later on King Pandia and King Thirumalai Naicker did a lot for this temple, named it “KASI VISWANATHA”
SWAMY Temple. The period of construction was between 15th and 16th century. Aanaiappa Gnani reconstructed this temple. Under the rule of King Naickers, the temple was developed more. In 1659, the Ratham (the chariot) was constructed by Muthu Veerappa Naicker.
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